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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Types of interpretation errors

1)    Introduction (1 page) -: This section should give enough information on the TOPIC plus your thesis (intention, what it is about and its structure).

2)    Body (c. 3 pages) – Discuss with examples the topic – PRESENT your views/opinions regarding the topic.
3)    Conclusion (1 page) – Summarize the points, plus any recommendations.
4)    References (APA style)
5)    Appendices (if any)
this is our outline, but the writer can change it after notifying me.
1.    Introduction to interpretation
a-    What is interpretation
b-    The difference between interpretation and translation
c-    The standards of interpretation
d-    The methods of interpretation
2.    Types of interpretation errors with examples of each (8 errors)
a-    Literal translation: errors where the interpreter does not preserve the ideas but focuses on substituting words from the target language for words in the source language.
b-    Inadequate language proficiency: General lack of language fluency makes which are grammatical errors and lexical errors.
c-    Register conservation: The level of formality of speech from courtroom, classroom, to a social event etc.
d-    Distortion: When a message is distorted, either the overall or part of meaning is lost.
e-    Additions: When an interpreter does not understand source message, may add several possible meanings to express concept.
f-    Omissions: Information that is deleted or left out.
g-    Protocol, Procedures and Ethics: Being faithful to the message even when the message includes profanities.
h-    Non-conservation of paralinguistic features: Repetition of words or phrases, incomplete sentences, and words like “um”, “uh”, and “ah”.
3. Conclusion
A-The effects of the interpretation errors.
b- Solutions to avoid interpretation errors.

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