Assessment item 3
Final learning stage – critical reflections
Value: 30%
Length: 1200 – 1500 words approx.
Submission method options
Students are required to submit a written, critical reflections essay about communication; critiquing ideas and issues that have been raised either:
◦ within one of the Assignment 2 presentations from other students, or
◦ within an organisational context [at work or at university], or
◦ within a family context [as part of an institutional context]
Students are asked to at least link the choice of topic and context from above, to ideas and issues found in all or some parts of the Matryoushka or Russian Doll Analogy related to adult communication management competence, and as presented by Kaye [2010; 2013] in his text. Use the following statements to guide your reflections:
1. Briefly describe your communication event. In your Introduction there should be a clear statement about your topic [for example, topic: communicating within families]; a clear explanation of your focus[for example, looking specifically at the way families set out rules for social interaction with others]; and a clear idea of the scope of the work [for example, looking particularly at the case for establishing boundaries about going out at night].
2. Choose and discuss how this event relates to relevant layers of the Russian Doll Analogy
3. Analyse and critique how this event relates to a minimum of one other concept from this subject (you can include more if appropriate, for example, ethos of scholarship; values; locus of control; types of communication; learning styles)
4. Discuss extra-dimensional communication within this event (for example, presence/absence/how it could be attained or improved for future communication – this is the critical element)
5. Evaluate what you have learnt as a result of reflecting on this communication event (more of the criticalelement).
Please note that further details, information and advice will be provided to students to help them complete this assessment task. Additionally, there will be opportunities to view minimal examples of the work from previous students to note the standard of work required, as well as ways to undertake the assignment.
This is the third assessment item for HCS102 and is designed to engage students in analysis and reflection of communication events in an organisational context. This third assessment item is designed so that students can critically reflect on communication theories and activities, subject concepts and ideas, and behavioural expectations of being a human services worker.
The rationale is repeated as for all assessment items, and can be reviewed in the Assessment Information section of this Subject Outline.
In HCS102, completing the three assessment items builds a picture of your communication and learning development, as well as to provide the necessary foundations for working in the human services and social work fields – again, the thinking-doing-being cycle.
Broadly speaking, for this third assessment item, you are undertaking a ‘critically analytical’ task in order to make links to what it is you did not know prior to undertaking this subject. Each developmental stage has coincided with the different assessment tasks up to now:
3. Assignment 3 – Final stage – Analysis and critical reflection, extra-dimensional communication.
Please review and cross-check the following Marking Criteria and Performance Standards, for an indication of the value that will be placed on your work for this Assignment 3 Task.
Marking criteria
TASK NAME:Final learning stage – critical reflection essay ASSESSMENT VALUE: 30%
CRITERIA – Task standards
High Distinction
[Outstanding work –overall possible marks 25.5/30; to 30/30]
[Excellent work –overall possible marks 22.5/30; to 25/30]
[Very good work –overall possible marks 19.5/30; to 22/30]
[Good/satisfactory work – overall possible marks 15/30; to 19/30]
[Poor/could be better work –overall possible marks 14/30, and below]
CRITERION 1 –Presentation and technical aspects
[ /12]:
The presentation of the work must address several technical aspects:
ORGANISATION OF PAPER is achieved with the inclusion of an Introduction, Body and Conclusion of content, with accompanying Reference List [not a Bibliography]to create work that flows clearly (3 marks);
SENTENCES & PARAGRAPHS indicates work that is written in clear, whole sentences which are organised into well-structured paragraphs of up to 5-6 sentences (3 marks);
SPELLING, GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION are all correct and in context [for example, no abbreviations in academic work] (3 marks);
CITATIONS/REFERENCING IN-TEXT; REFERENCE LIST are correct as per APA Guidelines, as well as relevant and appropriate [as a guide for a 1200-1500-word assignment = 6-8 references] (3 marks)
The work is of a very high standard; demonstrating exceptional writing skills that are sophisticated in style, including appropriate, correct and well-aligned referencing, clarity, and creativity where appropriate.
The work has an element of originality and uniqueness in its layout and structure, despite the ‘confines’ of the aspects of the task. There is strong stylistic evidenced in its articulation and effortless flow of seamless and well-synthesised ideas.
The student demonstrates initiative, through some interesting analysis and critique utilising an appropriate and extended use of references that are presented mostly error-free.
The work is of a high standard; well-written and stylistically-strong in both its organisation and structure of text; with dynamic linkages and alignment made to ideas and sources of material.
The student demonstrates care in providing work that is well-organised; written in a stylistically-sound manner, that includes an easy-to-read structure, and helped by minimum syntactical, spelling & grammatical errors.
While there may be few to almost no referencing errors; the work indicates a well-balanced alignment between in-text and full citational referencing.
The student provides work that is adequately written, with few syntactical and grammatical errors. Although there may some, to very few, referencing errors, the general format for referencing as per the APA Guidelines, is reproduced correctly.
The work shows some satisfactory organisation and structure of the text.
The work includes a written style that is inappropriate for the task; there are major concerns with expression, sentence and paragraph structure, spelling and grammar.
The work demonstrates a lack of academic integrity, re-plagiarism; there is little-to-no engagement with correct referencing as per the APA Referencing Guidelines; there is little attention paid to structure and organisation of the writing; very few of the technical and presentation aspects of the task have been addressed. Where they have, this is only at a minimal, beginning level that requires more work and practice.
Criterion 1 sub-total: /12%
Criterion 2 – Content aspect
[ /18]:
The work must include the following parts:
AN INTRODUCTION thatincludes establishing topic, focus & scope that are clearly defined up front (6 marks);
AT LEAST ONE CONCEPT FROM THE SUBJECTwhich is included within the body of the work to expand engagement through: logic of argument; clear description; analysis of what is going on; critique of ideas, and critical reflection; especially making links to aspects of the Matryoushka Doll Analogy [that is, competence layers of communication] (6 marks);
A CONCLUSION that summarises all the ideas in regards to reflection and makes the essay more ‘critical’ by noting intentional improvements for the future [praxis] (6 marks).
All parts in the criterion are addressed to a high level
The student demonstrates outstanding or exceptional work in terms of originality, high-level understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments that can be easily applied to current and future contexts.
The work shows an advanced synthesis of ideas and critique. Additionally, the student demonstrates initiative, through some complex analysis and critique.
The work is of a high standard; well-written and stylistically sophisticated, including appropriate, correct and well-aligned referencing, clarity, and creativity where appropriate.
All parts in the criterion are addressed strongly.
The student provides work of a high standard that demonstrates creative understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments.
Additionally, the work shows an excellent understanding of ideas that have been correctly applied to the current context.
The student demonstrates initiative, through some interesting and dynamic analysis and critique utilising an appropriate and extended use of references that are presented mostly error-free.
The work is well-written and stylistically strong.
All parts of the criterion are addressed clearly and well-structured.
The work is of a very good standard demonstrating clear understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments.
The student demonstrates a very good under-standing of ideas through work that is well-written and stylistically-sound, with minimum syntactical & grammatical errors.
While there may be few to almost no referencing errors; the work indicates a well-balanced alignment between in-text and full citational referencing
Most parts of the criterion are addressed adequately.
The student demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of ideas & completion of the minimum requirements. Satisfactory indicates work that covers the basic requirements of the task.
Additionally, the work indicates a satisfactory under-standing of ideas through good structure of sentences and paragraphs.
The student provides work that is adequately written, with few syntactical and grammatical errors. Although there may some, to very few, referencing errors, the general format for referencing as per the APA Guidelines, is reproduced correctly.
Most parts of this criterion are not clearly or adequately addressed to a basic level.
The work fails to satisfy minimum requirements – needs improvement.
Additionally, the work indicates an inadequate under-standing of ideas on the part of the student.
The work includes a written style that is inappropriate for the task; there are major problems with expression, sentence and paragraph structure, spelling and grammar.
The work quite possibly demonstrates a lack of academic integrity, re-plagiarism.
Criterion 2 sub-total: /18%
Further comments
Total Mark: /30% REVIEWER:
Students may elect to represent their information compiled from subject resources, earlier assessment items and online Forum discussions either as appendices or quotes. An academic paper of a maximum of 1500 words must include at least an Introduction, Conclusion, and Reference List.
As information/topic organising tools, students can include relevant sub-headings if they wish.
This assignment is best-presented in an essay-style format that covers: an introduction [what is the context and relationship of ideas about this context?]; an exposition [of ideas about what are some of the communication activities that go on/happen in that context?]; any complication/s [what are some issues that arise within that context, and why?]; suitable resolution and analysis [of the problems or issues in that context], and conclusion [include critical reflection and further actions for the future].
The paper can include ‘critique’ which therefore requires some opinion, but the latter must be supported by relevant references [as a guide for 1500 words, students should aim for between 6-8 referencesfrom a variety of sources, including at least the Kaye text].
Please note 1: The References are all part of the final word count – they are integral to this piece of work].
Please note 2: Because this is a ‘critical reflection essay’ students are permitted to write in the ’first person’; the subjective voice; the ‘I’ voice.
The academic paper must meet the following criteria:
◦ maximum 1200 – 1500 words [includes references]
◦ formatted appropriately at 1.5 line-spacing
◦ be structurally sound in regards to sentences and paragraphs
◦ include at least an Introduction, Conclusion, and Reference List [which is not the same as a Bibliography]
◦ include not just description, but analysis and reflection as well
◦ must include appropriate in-text references and a Reference list that have been formatted according to APA guidelines
◦ must be saved as a normal Word document in order for it to be marked
be submitted via EASTS, by the due date.
Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper…………..
Assessment item 3
Final learning stage – critical reflections
Value: 30%
Length: 1200 – 1500 words approx.
Submission method options
Students are required to submit a written, critical reflections essay about communication; critiquing ideas and issues that have been raised either:
◦ within one of the Assignment 2 presentations from other students, or
◦ within an organisational context [at work or at university], or
◦ within a family context [as part of an institutional context]
Students are asked to at least link the choice of topic and context from above, to ideas and issues found in all or some parts of the Matryoushka or Russian Doll Analogy related to adult communication management competence, and as presented by Kaye [2010; 2013] in his text. Use the following statements to guide your reflections:
1. Briefly describe your communication event. In your Introduction there should be a clear statement about your topic [for example, topic: communicating within families]; a clear explanation of your focus[for example, looking specifically at the way families set out rules for social interaction with others]; and a clear idea of the scope of the work [for example, looking particularly at the case for establishing boundaries about going out at night].
2. Choose and discuss how this event relates to relevant layers of the Russian Doll Analogy
3. Analyse and critique how this event relates to a minimum of one other concept from this subject (you can include more if appropriate, for example, ethos of scholarship; values; locus of control; types of communication; learning styles)
4. Discuss extra-dimensional communication within this event (for example, presence/absence/how it could be attained or improved for future communication – this is the critical element)
5. Evaluate what you have learnt as a result of reflecting on this communication event (more of the criticalelement).
Please note that further details, information and advice will be provided to students to help them complete this assessment task. Additionally, there will be opportunities to view minimal examples of the work from previous students to note the standard of work required, as well as ways to undertake the assignment.
This is the third assessment item for HCS102 and is designed to engage students in analysis and reflection of communication events in an organisational context. This third assessment item is designed so that students can critically reflect on communication theories and activities, subject concepts and ideas, and behavioural expectations of being a human services worker.
The rationale is repeated as for all assessment items, and can be reviewed in the Assessment Information section of this Subject Outline.
In HCS102, completing the three assessment items builds a picture of your communication and learning development, as well as to provide the necessary foundations for working in the human services and social work fields – again, the thinking-doing-being cycle.
Broadly speaking, for this third assessment item, you are undertaking a ‘critically analytical’ task in order to make links to what it is you did not know prior to undertaking this subject. Each developmental stage has coincided with the different assessment tasks up to now:
3. Assignment 3 – Final stage – Analysis and critical reflection, extra-dimensional communication.
Please review and cross-check the following Marking Criteria and Performance Standards, for an indication of the value that will be placed on your work for this Assignment 3 Task.
Marking criteria
TASK NAME:Final learning stage – critical reflection essay ASSESSMENT VALUE: 30%
| |||||
CRITERIA – Task standards
| ||||
High Distinction
[Outstanding work –overall possible marks 25.5/30; to 30/30]
| Distinction
[Excellent work –overall possible marks 22.5/30; to 25/30]
| Credit
[Very good work –overall possible marks 19.5/30; to 22/30]
| Pass
[Good/satisfactory work – overall possible marks 15/30; to 19/30]
| Fail
[Poor/could be better work –overall possible marks 14/30, and below]
| |
CRITERION 1 –Presentation and technical aspects
[ /12]:
The presentation of the work must address several technical aspects:
ORGANISATION OF PAPER is achieved with the inclusion of an Introduction, Body and Conclusion of content, with accompanying Reference List [not a Bibliography]to create work that flows clearly (3 marks);
SENTENCES & PARAGRAPHS indicates work that is written in clear, whole sentences which are organised into well-structured paragraphs of up to 5-6 sentences (3 marks);
SPELLING, GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION are all correct and in context [for example, no abbreviations in academic work] (3 marks);
CITATIONS/REFERENCING IN-TEXT; REFERENCE LIST are correct as per APA Guidelines, as well as relevant and appropriate [as a guide for a 1200-1500-word assignment = 6-8 references] (3 marks)
| The work is of a very high standard; demonstrating exceptional writing skills that are sophisticated in style, including appropriate, correct and well-aligned referencing, clarity, and creativity where appropriate.
The work has an element of originality and uniqueness in its layout and structure, despite the ‘confines’ of the aspects of the task. There is strong stylistic evidenced in its articulation and effortless flow of seamless and well-synthesised ideas.
| The student demonstrates initiative, through some interesting analysis and critique utilising an appropriate and extended use of references that are presented mostly error-free.
The work is of a high standard; well-written and stylistically-strong in both its organisation and structure of text; with dynamic linkages and alignment made to ideas and sources of material.
| The student demonstrates care in providing work that is well-organised; written in a stylistically-sound manner, that includes an easy-to-read structure, and helped by minimum syntactical, spelling & grammatical errors.
While there may be few to almost no referencing errors; the work indicates a well-balanced alignment between in-text and full citational referencing.
| The student provides work that is adequately written, with few syntactical and grammatical errors. Although there may some, to very few, referencing errors, the general format for referencing as per the APA Guidelines, is reproduced correctly.
The work shows some satisfactory organisation and structure of the text.
| The work includes a written style that is inappropriate for the task; there are major concerns with expression, sentence and paragraph structure, spelling and grammar.
The work demonstrates a lack of academic integrity, re-plagiarism; there is little-to-no engagement with correct referencing as per the APA Referencing Guidelines; there is little attention paid to structure and organisation of the writing; very few of the technical and presentation aspects of the task have been addressed. Where they have, this is only at a minimal, beginning level that requires more work and practice.
Criterion 1 sub-total: /12%
| |||||
Criterion 2 – Content aspect
[ /18]:
The work must include the following parts:
AN INTRODUCTION thatincludes establishing topic, focus & scope that are clearly defined up front (6 marks);
AT LEAST ONE CONCEPT FROM THE SUBJECTwhich is included within the body of the work to expand engagement through: logic of argument; clear description; analysis of what is going on; critique of ideas, and critical reflection; especially making links to aspects of the Matryoushka Doll Analogy [that is, competence layers of communication] (6 marks);
A CONCLUSION that summarises all the ideas in regards to reflection and makes the essay more ‘critical’ by noting intentional improvements for the future [praxis] (6 marks).
| All parts in the criterion are addressed to a high level
The student demonstrates outstanding or exceptional work in terms of originality, high-level understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments that can be easily applied to current and future contexts.
The work shows an advanced synthesis of ideas and critique. Additionally, the student demonstrates initiative, through some complex analysis and critique.
The work is of a high standard; well-written and stylistically sophisticated, including appropriate, correct and well-aligned referencing, clarity, and creativity where appropriate.
| All parts in the criterion are addressed strongly.
The student provides work of a high standard that demonstrates creative understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments.
Additionally, the work shows an excellent understanding of ideas that have been correctly applied to the current context.
The student demonstrates initiative, through some interesting and dynamic analysis and critique utilising an appropriate and extended use of references that are presented mostly error-free.
The work is well-written and stylistically strong.
| All parts of the criterion are addressed clearly and well-structured.
The work is of a very good standard demonstrating clear understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments.
The student demonstrates a very good under-standing of ideas through work that is well-written and stylistically-sound, with minimum syntactical & grammatical errors.
While there may be few to almost no referencing errors; the work indicates a well-balanced alignment between in-text and full citational referencing
| Most parts of the criterion are addressed adequately.
The student demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of ideas & completion of the minimum requirements. Satisfactory indicates work that covers the basic requirements of the task.
Additionally, the work indicates a satisfactory under-standing of ideas through good structure of sentences and paragraphs.
The student provides work that is adequately written, with few syntactical and grammatical errors. Although there may some, to very few, referencing errors, the general format for referencing as per the APA Guidelines, is reproduced correctly.
| Most parts of this criterion are not clearly or adequately addressed to a basic level.
The work fails to satisfy minimum requirements – needs improvement.
Additionally, the work indicates an inadequate under-standing of ideas on the part of the student.
The work includes a written style that is inappropriate for the task; there are major problems with expression, sentence and paragraph structure, spelling and grammar.
The work quite possibly demonstrates a lack of academic integrity, re-plagiarism.
Criterion 2 sub-total: /18%
| |||||
Further comments
| |||||
Total Mark: /30% REVIEWER:
Students may elect to represent their information compiled from subject resources, earlier assessment items and online Forum discussions either as appendices or quotes. An academic paper of a maximum of 1500 words must include at least an Introduction, Conclusion, and Reference List.
As information/topic organising tools, students can include relevant sub-headings if they wish.
This assignment is best-presented in an essay-style format that covers: an introduction [what is the context and relationship of ideas about this context?]; an exposition [of ideas about what are some of the communication activities that go on/happen in that context?]; any complication/s [what are some issues that arise within that context, and why?]; suitable resolution and analysis [of the problems or issues in that context], and conclusion [include critical reflection and further actions for the future].
The paper can include ‘critique’ which therefore requires some opinion, but the latter must be supported by relevant references [as a guide for 1500 words, students should aim for between 6-8 referencesfrom a variety of sources, including at least the Kaye text].
Please note 1: The References are all part of the final word count – they are integral to this piece of work].
Please note 2: Because this is a ‘critical reflection essay’ students are permitted to write in the ’first person’; the subjective voice; the ‘I’ voice.
The academic paper must meet the following criteria:
◦ maximum 1200 – 1500 words [includes references]
◦ formatted appropriately at 1.5 line-spacing
◦ be structurally sound in regards to sentences and paragraphs
◦ include at least an Introduction, Conclusion, and Reference List [which is not the same as a Bibliography]
◦ include not just description, but analysis and reflection as well
◦ must include appropriate in-text references and a Reference list that have been formatted according to APA guidelines
◦ must be saved as a normal Word document in order for it to be marked
be submitted via EASTS, by the due date.
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